Monday, January 11, 2010

The Hulk?

Ok, so i found the reason why the Hulk's shirt always rips off but his pants never does.

Lil' Hulk

Lil' Hulk

That's probably the reason for all the other shirt ripping but pants still intact scenes as well....or the Hulk could have taught them. =)

If you are interested, here is where i got it from.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A po'm

A po'm (sorta, well not really..)

Tell me what my heart says,
Does it leap, does it beat?
Tell me what your heart says,
Is it sour, Is it sweet?

Tell me what my eyes say,
Is it you, is it deep?
Tell me what your eyes say,
Does it spark, does it seek?

General Stuff?

Um um,, like i just wanted to say that i have decided to cancel my phone line because, it's really troublesome. So, ei, to my friends that are reading this, i no longer have a hp, if you want to contact me, you all can call my house, or er, tag here, or maybe leave me an offline msg on msn? =)

Ya, that's about it, nothing much to say, i guess...sry for posting this here?I guess it is kinda unsuitable..but i didn't know how else to tell ppl.

P.s. You can like delete my no. i suppose, and if you know anybody else with my no. you can ask them to delete it too? Because i know that not many of my friends even know about this blog. =o

Friday, January 1, 2010


To all, Happy New Year =)