Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hey ppl,
This blog is going on an indefinite hiatus
but feel free to read my older posts it you want =)

Always have hope,
believe with your heart and soul,
and the light will shine true.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Do you want The Kite Runner?

Ok, so the thing is that my sis has got two copies of the book The Kite Runner, and wants to sell one. She bought it for $16 and is willing to sell it for $10. It is pretty new, and has a plastic cover that is a bit too big for the book. If you are interested, or know anyone that is interested, please contact me or my sis, through tagging on either of our blogs, msn or whatever k? You can also link your friend to this blogpost. =)

So, help my sis sell her book k?

Oh, and if you want to know why she has two copies, it is because, she bought one copy, then lent it to a friend, and forgot about it. So she thought she had lost it and went out and bought another copy. After she bought it, her friend called her and returned her the book. So now she has two copies of it. Silly billy.

And, if any of you want, i can take a pic of the book to show you if you ask me. =)

Lastly, sry for advertising on my blog, forgive me? Hehe, i'm sure you all will, since you all are such nice people. =p