Thursday, April 16, 2009


Ha Ha!! Guess what i saw a few days ago? Some monkeys! So i took a picture of them:
Hahahahaha! Don't they look kinda obscene? I had actually wanted to go with something like this:
But i figured, they're monkeys, monkeys are special people, they get to do whatever they want, so there! (It's definitely NOT because i was too lazy to make a proper censored picture, don't listen to them, they're lying :P)

So anyway, no, i didn't go to the zoo or anything like that to see the monkeys, i accidentally saw them on my way to my grandma's house last Sunday, yes, along the road! I think monkey are secretly plotting to take over the westside of Singapore, so those of you who live in the west, whatever you do don't open the door to any strange monkeys you don't know, especially if your Mum and Dad are not home, even if you are already 78 ;), don't do it!! Monkeys are dangerous!!!

Remember, people,
no monkeys-s
there's a reason this sign was made!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pet Society Obessed!!

Haha, been obsessed with Pet Society recently, and haven't posted anything...feeling guilty... '-'
So i decided to share my obsession!!! Hahahahaha!!

Let me start by introducing pet society.

Firstly, you get to
design your own pet! Yay! How awesome is that?? So, you get to choose your pet's color, facial features, head shape and ears. :) So at first when you start, you get limited choices, not all the different kinds of eyes or noes or etc. will be available. When can you get them? When you enter the game you can go to the stylist and change your features, for a price, of course ;). I suggest using the random button, its fun! Yay!

Then, when you finish designing your pet,
you get a cool house! At first your house is small and has only one room. You can then gain paw points, through a variety of actions, to level up, and as you level up, your house will gain rooms :) Yay!

So then, you
can buy a variety of stuff for your pet, mainly clothes and various furnitures, to fill up your house. You can make a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room etc. Myself, i am planning a living room, kitchen, bathroom bedroom, music room, air garden, study... which is really tyring to try and build from scratch. :( But i guess patience is the key. Oh well! :)

Next, those that were reading carefully would have noticed that money is used in the Pet Society universe. So
how to get coins in Pet Society? Well, firstly, you can go racing in the stadium, walking through trees, plaing with your pet or, most importantly, visiting friends!! Each friend gets you 20 coins!! Woo!!! So, your first 50 friends get you 20 coins, your next 25 gets you 10 coins, while the rest only gets you 5 coins T.T.

Lastly, in Pet Society,
gaining coins and spending then is waaay off proportion. Things cost a lot, and you have little avenue to gain coins. Of course, the dear Pet Society managers would allow you to buy Pet Society coins with real money which is of course a really dumb move for any user. Well, i guess the key to enjoying this game is to treat it as just that, a game. :) The pets are really really cute, so why not make your own and just ride along, it is a much more fun ride if you just float along. ;)


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dr. Phil's Personality Test

So, i took the Dr. Phil's personality test found on facebook and got this:
test results -L
I totally lol! Seriously? "lively"? "center of attention"? For a while i couldn't read past the first line; it was just too ironic. Dr. Phil, either there's something wrong with your quiz, or something seriously wrong with me, and i hope its the former. :P


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Beach =D

Went to East Coast Beach cycling the other day, and ate oreo mcflurry!! Yay! Before that, we went to the pier. A plane was flying pass us close by so i quickly snapped a picture, here it is!

Can't see it? There is a plane there!! Believe meee!!! Here, i'll circle it for you

See i didn't lie right? Honest as Honest Abe!

Besides the plane, there were also some people fishing, but one guy over there was fishing with a net! It was so uncommon to me i just had to take a few pictures see how nicely they make up a moving story?
First he casts the net, then he waits, then he pull it up! Haha, i feel like the author of The Old Man and The Sea, not that i have read the book before, just heard about it here and there lol.

The beach was fun but tiring, and i didn't even do all that much! Just walked around a lot and cycle... will try to do more stuff when i next go there. :)



Yes, today's dinner was PIZZA!! Here' a picture of the empty box for you to feel jealous:
btw, did anyone else found the hot dot interesting? Apparently the words don't appear on the sticker if the pizza is not hot enough.. or rather if the box is not hot enough i suppose.. the sticker becomes like this: hot dot =) cool huh? But seriously, who needs a stupid sticker to tell them if their pizza is hot enough? ~.~;; I mean if you can't tell from touch, it probably won't matter to you if your pizza was cold.. Haha, i guess it for the technicality when people want to return pizza they feel is too cold, silly people. =P
Just to make people who don't like pizza much jealous as well, here's my desert bowl, empty after me eating up all the jelly >.< jelly


Thursday, April 2, 2009

w-inds edited

Ok, the video below was fixed, to a workable one on Youtube instead. Enjoy :)
