Hahahahaha! Don't they look kinda obscene? I had actually wanted to go with something like this:
But i figured, they're monkeys, monkeys are special people, they get to do whatever they want, so there! (It's definitely NOT because i was too lazy to make a proper censored picture, don't listen to them, they're lying :P)
So anyway, no, i didn't go to the zoo or anything like that to see the monkeys, i accidentally saw them on my way to my grandma's house last Sunday, yes, along the road! I think monkey are secretly plotting to take over the westside of Singapore, so those of you who live in the west, whatever you do don't open the door to any strange monkeys you don't know, especially if your Mum and Dad are not home, even if you are already 78 ;), don't do it!! Monkeys are dangerous!!!
Remember, people,
there's a reason this sign was made!