Saturday, April 4, 2009

Beach =D

Went to East Coast Beach cycling the other day, and ate oreo mcflurry!! Yay! Before that, we went to the pier. A plane was flying pass us close by so i quickly snapped a picture, here it is!

Can't see it? There is a plane there!! Believe meee!!! Here, i'll circle it for you

See i didn't lie right? Honest as Honest Abe!

Besides the plane, there were also some people fishing, but one guy over there was fishing with a net! It was so uncommon to me i just had to take a few pictures see how nicely they make up a moving story?
First he casts the net, then he waits, then he pull it up! Haha, i feel like the author of The Old Man and The Sea, not that i have read the book before, just heard about it here and there lol.

The beach was fun but tiring, and i didn't even do all that much! Just walked around a lot and cycle... will try to do more stuff when i next go there. :)


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