TONIGHT LIVE! We bring you the most unbelievable and shocking look into the privacy of a certain Miss Low Jos Em* born some nineteen years ago, to the East of our tiny island, note: name age and location undisclosed, uncovered outside our dear Rsggard* Hospital by our loyal reporters! Read on to find out exactly what SHADY PAST we have uncovered.

A picture of Miss Low, censored for your viewing pleasure =) (and our unsued butts)
For the past week, we have been receiving anonymous tips from a certain insiders of Miss Low that this innocent looking lady had been having secret meetings with one of the doctors from said hospital! What had they been talking about? What was she trying to hide? We tried to uncover exactly what this business was all about this evening when we ambushed Miss Low on a bus just after her visit to the hospital. When cornered on the bus we immediately asked her the most obvious conclusion in our minds "Miss Low, does your
reasons(she explained that she had her reasons for visiting the hospital) involve
plastic surgery?"
To which she replied "Probably, maybe, who knows?" Which pushed us to investigate further to being our viewers the TRUTH. Our hours of hard work finally paid off when we uncovered the secret of her mysterious visits to the hospital when we discovered these photos:

The obvious similarity shocked us all. With our sources, we have confirmed that the second hand, widely publicised in numerous public places, is indeed miss Low's hand before the plastic surgery which gave her her new hand in the first picture. Apparently, miss Low had sold her hand and appeared as an anonymous hand model to obtain enough money to pay for her plastic surgery.
This has been another breaking news brought to you by NEWSRI. Thank you and goodnight.
*Name(s) changed for suing purposes (mainly us not getting sued)