Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Woo!! School started yesterday! It was kinda fun~~ I had Dr. Carol for my new Soci lecturer, she was my Anthro totor last term =), and Dr. Foo, whom i did not know prior to this, as my new B&B lecturer =). They are both quite nice, so it is ok, but there was like such a rush for the tutorial class sign up... phew..One thing thou, books cost like $#00!!!! OMG They are like trying to kill us with books or something.......

kinda like that...except we're students...and we are crushed by ze books....ok not really like that, but you get the point ^.~

Ok so neway, we got to study 'bout the Industrial and French revolution~~ History!! My fav subject!! Although i prefer ancient history to such modern details~ but still~~~~~~~~

Oh and for my fellow Soci ppl, here's a vid on French Revolution you ppl might want to see =)

although i find it a bit dull and unconprehensive.. ooo =)

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