Monday, June 20, 2011

Virtual villagers 4

I was going to post these pictures as a review on the game but i got lazy and these pictures were taking up space on my desktop so i'm just gonna randomly post them here and be done with it :P

This first pic is a picture of my 60 year old villager that is nursing a child, you can get female villagers over 50 nursing if you set them on parenting but not if you just keep dragging them over another villager


This second picture is of one of my favorite villager, Arrow, he is one of my favorite because he likes running, that enables him to get things done faster and learn some skills faster, and that is pretty awesome :)

This last villager is Natalie, who is also one of my villager who is also my favourite villagers, she is just so cute in her pretty dress and hair, and to top it all off, she likes running ^^

Lastly, i wanted to say that it seems some guides online believe that you can't get shells to appear during high tide, that is not true, as you can see by this picture here. (The shell is dark green, near the top) Maybe they appear more often during low tide.

To end it all, here are some pictures of Natalie looking really cute at age 52 ^^

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