Sunday, June 17, 2012



Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I'm a bit annoyed today, the stupid smoker next door always smokes in front of his house such that his smoke always blows into our house. So damn annoying every single time, its like i can't even stay in my own living room. The worse part is i can't do anything about it. Ass.

Monday, June 11, 2012


I feel quite happy right now, i always feel quite happy when i'm writing :)
Haven't written anything on here for quite some time now but today i saw my sis on her blog and thought it would be nice to write here again.
Today was quite boring, i did nothing much. Recently, my violin keeps on getting out of tune, not really sure why, ever since i changed the D string. Makes no sense thou, i only changed one string and the other three get out of tune too :/
My friend cancelled with me tomorrow, so bored but its ok, i made other plans :)
One thing i did do today is listen to Michael Jackson's version of Smile, someone on tumblr was talking about it and i went on Youtube to listen to it and its really beautiful :') Btw, fun fact, this song has never been sung live by MJ.