Monday, June 11, 2012


I feel quite happy right now, i always feel quite happy when i'm writing :)
Haven't written anything on here for quite some time now but today i saw my sis on her blog and thought it would be nice to write here again.
Today was quite boring, i did nothing much. Recently, my violin keeps on getting out of tune, not really sure why, ever since i changed the D string. Makes no sense thou, i only changed one string and the other three get out of tune too :/
My friend cancelled with me tomorrow, so bored but its ok, i made other plans :)
One thing i did do today is listen to Michael Jackson's version of Smile, someone on tumblr was talking about it and i went on Youtube to listen to it and its really beautiful :') Btw, fun fact, this song has never been sung live by MJ.


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