Saturday, July 28, 2012


A long time ago, i really disliked someone. I couldn't understand, it felt like this person was making use of me, at that time, i couldn't bear leave anyone alone by themselves, so i was caught between what to do. That was a horrible decision. Every action made me miserable afterwards, making me question time and again what i was doing. How can someone so selfish and superficial even exist? Even now i question what happened, i was not completely absolved of blame of course, i retaliated, even if it was an unconscious attitude that leaked out. I hadn't realised i was lashing out at that time, and maybe that worsened us. Perhaps at the end of the day, we were just too different, i should have realised it from the start, we just couldn't understand each other. I thought i could accept everyone, empathise, and push myself to see things from their point of view, i never realised how difficult that actually was, until experiencing someone so radically different. The most interesting thing i realised was that it wasn't our hobbies, our background, out lifestyle that was different, it was our very core that was different. Perhaps one day i can overcome this too.

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