Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Old news, old hat but important nonetheless. This is a clip of w-inds, on 娱乐百分百:

Aired on 百分百live in 2005 September 22, with Da S and Xiao Zhu. I love 百分百 and i love w-inds so i thought could it be possible that w-inds went on 百分百 before? And successfully found this :). Although this was in 2005, w-inds still has annual concerts in Taiwan so if you are there, be sure to try to get tickets! W-inds is still awesome as ever, now eight years from their official debut in 2001 March 5, w-inds just turned eight recently! Yay! Sadly, they have only appeared on 百分百 in person once, although occasionally appearing in 百分百's news.

Really wish they would come to Singapore to publicize but i guess the market in Singapore is too small or something, only BHG sells their CDs and one single with only 2 unique songs costs 20+!! How not awesome is that?? T.T Can you imagine the price of their album!? That's why i had to buy my albums from Hong Kong.

Regardless, go w-inds! And may you guys produce albums way past 2100!!(Impossible, i know, they'll probably be dead by then (they would be 100+!),or at least too tired to dance anymore.. lol but i really want their artist career to be forever!) Yay!


Monday, March 30, 2009


Yay! I have finally completed my bathroom!! Here's a pic:
Isn't it awesome?? Yes, yes it is. :P
On a separate note, i found some old pictures of my niece(now 4):
What? You can't see what she looks like? Are you sure? Look closer...Still can't see? I suggest an appointment with an optometrist. Don't hurry off to the phone just yet, here's another photo of my niece and dad that caters to the visually handicapped:
If you still can't make out who is who, the one on the right is my dad, and the one on the left is my niece. And for those with 20/20 vision, yes, the "thing" on the far left is my finger in front of the camera lens. (No, not the naughty one.) =P


Friday, March 27, 2009


What a tiring day! Woke up early and only just got home. Visited Vivo today, and guess what i found at a trash bin just sitting there?? This:
It was just sitting there by its lonesome self so i took the liberty of well, taking it. :) How lucky was that?
Ok ok, i was just kidding (like it wasn't dead obvious). The basket is mine thou, i bought it and its now sitting nicely in my room. Where is it? Right here of course Photobucket. Doesn't it look happy being owned by me? Yes, i am good owner choice ain't i? Kidding, like baskets can look happy. With the exception of this one of course.


P.S. Did you think i was going to say rude thing when you saw the tittle?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bus ride home

Took 966 home today from Marine Parade, and bought food and stuff. Main awesome thing? This hat:
awesomehatI mean how awesome is it!?(ok, you can't really see the awesomeness from my crappy drawing but just imagine it to be awesome k?) It looked super cool on the guy on the bus that was wearing it and ya. Walking back from the bus stop, i took a picture of the sky because it looked so pretty. Here is the picture:
The sky looked even more beautiful in actuality, really really pretty. These days, the sky always looks so nice, with really comfortable weather, really great.
Applying for SMU and SIM was a drag, and i'm still not done with it yet..how lame is that? Why can't they be easier like NUS? Damn it, i even have to take a photo to submit to SIM..a, well, yup.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Some people who know me will know that i have one pair of shoes, one pair of sandles(which are really comfortable) and one pair of more formal slippers(which i have worn for a total of two times since i bought it). My point? I only buy one pair of ultra easy-to-go-with-every-thing-i-wear shoes to tide me over until..well until it breaks. So obviously, this pair of shoes must be chosen with much consideration(mainly for style, i mean who cares if the shoes give you blisters if they look so damn good? ;) ok joking, comfort is important too.) What i really want to go on about is this pair of shoes:Photobucket.
i mean, how awesome are they?? Too awesome!! They are perfect!(from what i can see at least) The down side? They cost $452!!! and they don't ship to Singapore :( This is sooo cruel! Oh well..if i'm ever in the US...;)

If you happen to be in the US and stumble across this post, and want to buy these shoes(of course you do, what person in their right mind wouldn't?) and have $452(likely USD, didn't check) to spare, you can buy them from here,which is also where this picture is from. :)


Yes! Yes! Yes!

Yay!!! Today was super awesome!! I finally got this blog running properly, (my first attempt at a customized one; i usually just used a basic format and add stuff to it). I also got Piano in Pet Society!!!Piano! And, i stumbled on Psych! on ch5! How great is that?? Not to mention the South Park episode that is going to air tonight!! Ahhh!! So excited!! Although my violin is seriously out of tune, i mean, d on the g-string is much higher than the e on the d-string. Think i am gonna ask my teacher to teach me how to tune this Sat. Hope it will help things. All in all, happy :)


Not Asleep :(

For some reason or other, i am still awake. Doing senseless garbage right now, just not sleeping. i had wanted to watch the new South Park episode, thinking it airs on Weds, and thinking today was Wed. Well, actually i am right, today is Wed, technically, just really early Wed and the show only airs on late Wed i.e. 19 hours from now. That is almost a whole day!! Furthermore, judging by the preview, it ain't gonna tell us who Mysterion really is. :( I believe it to be Craig. On the up side, watched the Bai Fen Bai rerun, and Zao An Shao Nu Zu seems to kinda grow on you, they seem ok after about half a dozen episodes or so. Just wish their name wasen't so damn long to type :o


Perfect Day!!

Yes!! Today was perfect! The sky was perfect, the sun was perfectly glowy while being veiled by the clouds. The wind was perfect, the humidity was dry but not too dry, and there was not too many cars, furthermore, none produced smog(that were visible anyway). There was too many lorries thou, with one literally at every turn(maybe i was just turning at the wrong places =P). I walked moderately fast, while still looking around. Really wished i had brought my phone out so i could take pictures, but am too lazy now to take my phone and go out again =p. bai fen bai is also funny today, kinda, well not as funny as LK but still entertaining nonetherless. Xiao Gui seemed a little off today but Bing Qi Ling Shao Nv Zhu was ok and Xiao Zhu was funny, haha, keep interupting other people =D. Watched a few older episodes of WTB show, was not really all that entertaining somehow and the older episodes were laggy :( (still trying to catch up on WTB, after finding it a few days ago). In all, not much happened today but somehow it was perfect. =P
