Some people who know me will know that i have one pair of shoes, one pair of sandles(which are really comfortable) and one pair of more formal slippers(which i have worn for a total of two times since i bought it). My point? I only buy one pair of ultra easy-to-go-with-every-thing-i-wear shoes to tide me over until..well until it breaks. So obviously, this pair of shoes must be chosen with much consideration(mainly for style, i mean who cares if the shoes give you blisters if they look so damn good? ;) ok joking, comfort is important too.) What i really want to go on about is this pair of shoes:

i mean, how awesome are they?? Too awesome!! They are perfect!(from what i can see at least) The down side? They cost $452!!! and they don't ship to Singapore :( This is sooo cruel! Oh well..if i'm ever in the US...;)
If you happen to be in the US and stumble across this post, and want to buy these shoes(of course you do, what person in their right mind wouldn't?) and have $452(likely USD, didn't check) to spare, you can buy them from
here,which is also where this picture is from. :)
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