Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bus ride home

Took 966 home today from Marine Parade, and bought food and stuff. Main awesome thing? This hat:
awesomehatI mean how awesome is it!?(ok, you can't really see the awesomeness from my crappy drawing but just imagine it to be awesome k?) It looked super cool on the guy on the bus that was wearing it and ya. Walking back from the bus stop, i took a picture of the sky because it looked so pretty. Here is the picture:
The sky looked even more beautiful in actuality, really really pretty. These days, the sky always looks so nice, with really comfortable weather, really great.
Applying for SMU and SIM was a drag, and i'm still not done with it lame is that? Why can't they be easier like NUS? Damn it, i even have to take a photo to submit to SIM..a, well, yup.


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