Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Uwa!! Had to go to sch today..feels a bit weird...lol, haven't gone to sch at this time for...12 years? hehehe..

Anyway, i took 163->93 home today =D it's so cool because the bus 93 is the old kind of bus with no air-con, and it is DOUBLE-DECKER some more lor!! XD Here's what it looks like on the inside..
And it looks sooo clean!! Awesome!!
When the bus moves, the wind will blow in, and it feels really nice, hehe, i especially liked it because my dad didn't allow us to open the windows of the car, he said it would make the roof dirt..=P
But luckily not many people when i got on, and it was not very hot, if not sure dehydrate and DIE THERE!! *.*

Oh and dunno y, the place where i change bus, the view was sooo pretty ^^ here is a pic i took, but it is wayyy prettier than that, you have to see it for yourself

Oh, oh, and i have CAKE!! WOO!!
Is that not like totally AWESOME!!???? Hehehehehe, its ok, dun be too jeleous, if you come to my house in the next few days i can still give you cake XD

And my sis gave me this!! =D


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