Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hi people =)

Hi people =)

I know that i have been mainly posting only videos these last few posts, and i feel sorry for that~~ =) apologise, i am a few more videos, yay!! Ok, ok, i know, something's wrong there but forgive me k? i am kinda busy~~ Next week when i got more time (christmas hols, woo!) then maybe i will post something else, hehe.

In the meantime, i am sure most of you all must have heard that lalalalala, lalalalala, lalalalala, lalalalalala, dodododododo, *insert dolphin whistle thingy here* but i think most of you never heard the original singer before ba? So like, this is the video of it, it is really BEAUTIFUL, none of the more recent singers who dare try this song has been able to pull it off as well as her,

linky: or here

In the slight possibility that you did not enjoy that, i give you the opening of the 59th Annual Emmy Awards, by Conan O'brian, which is really hilarious. It is filled with references to American shows, so some of you might not get some part of it? But i'm sure most of you have at least watched South Park, or House right? Here you go!

Once again, linky: or here =)

P.S. Cannot wait for the next episode of Hi My Sewwtheart!(海派甜心) Woo!!

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