Monday, December 21, 2009

风云II is like, totally awesome!!

Ok, i wanted to say this a lot earlier, like on Saturday after i watched fengyunII(风云II). It is like a really really really awesome movie!! Woo!!

Hmm...i think most people must be kinda bored with me constantly mentioning how awesome it is right now...but it is really awesome!!

Avatar and the comming soon Sherlock Holmes movie on the other hand... =P Avatar is just plain boring to me, i really don't get what the hype is all about? The Sherlock Holmes movie on the other hand, is just plain disappointing. It is so not a Sherlock Holmes movie? From just the trailer it is already disappointing... I would recommend Sherlock Holmes fans to just plain skip the movie, like i am going to do but if you like action movies, it does not look too bad, so maybe if you are not expecting anything to do with Sherlock Holmes, you might enjoy it?

Ok ok, enough of this. I know this is like the wrong blog for this.
To make up for such a whiney post, i give you


baby in a lion costume! Do i hear aww~~?

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