Thursday, May 19, 2011


I feel like typing words right now. Ahahahahahaha. Going nuts. A bunch of words that fill up this space i am typing on my computer. This is so much fun, wheee. Therrrr. Life ain't easy. I really wish i could find something that is what it is. It's like living ain't the answer but neither is dying. I mean, what else is there? Can there be something beyond the human condition that can be obtained? Perhaps AfterAfterlife? It's so convoluted. Life makes no sense. We just constantly waddle around in circles, spiraling towards an impermanent domain of pleasure within suffering. Our happiness is always built upon suffering, whether it is the suffering of others or the turmoil life puts us through. Everything is too relative. How annoying yet sustainable. You find a niche and then die. If you are lucky. I guess my question is, can we really live in the moment? I want to enjoy my life in every moment that i exist but can i really? Is it to much of an assumption for me to believe that i am worth living? Well, practically speaking, there is really no use for me to think too much, there is no way to test my theories, not right now anyway. More words fill this post to fill this space of this post. There is more words in this post that makes up this post. That's how posts are posts, that's how words are words. That's how i type what i type.

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