Monday, April 18, 2011

google sucks >:(

What happened? Well, i created a new email to act as my new primary email for this blogger account, guess what? No go. Why? I have no idea, just that according to google, you can only have one email, ever. Ok, so then i made my new gmail account as a co-author of my blogs, with admin status, that worked. Then, i wanted to create a new blog but apparently i had to verify my account by giving them my phone number, WTH? I don't even use my full name online, and they want me to give some software my phone number? No freaking way! So then i tried to to go back to my original account to create a new blog then give this new email co-author status, like i did my other blogs but no go, they still wanted my phone number. Suddenly, my old email account was untrustworthy. It may seem like i'm exaggerating but google does indeed collect its users' data and use these data. I am not 100% sure that this data is not sold to companies and such and i see no reason why i should trust them. Seriously, i have no qualms with switching to livejournal or, or the tons of other blog hosting websites. Ok, enough of all this, bottom line, i'm not giving them any of my personal data, ever.

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