Urgh, the weather right now. It is so cold for a while then so hot after a while, yea, i know, Japan is having the whole weather disaster and coping with it right now but it doesn't make the weather here any less unbearable. Anyway, what was i gonna say? I completely forgot... Darn it. Ah well, i got some pictures to share. Earlier last week, we were playing with the adorable sugar cubes at Awfully Chocolate and we made two sugar towers! (mine is on the right) We managed to get the one on the left to really high before it collapsed, then we tried to rebuild it again! ^^ I took pictures of the towers falling and rebuilding again, it reminded my of L from Deathnote, now i know why he likes to play with his sugary food, they are soo cute and fun to stack! Stack 'em! Stack 'em! Stack 'em! :P
One last thing, i decided to stop fiddling with the templates and just use a template from blogger, it seems too much trouble to keep bothering with the html of the current template, and i'm a lazy person, so bear with this distorted template for a while, i'll set the new one up before my next post, promise!

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